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(1967) Prayer of St. Francis, adapt. Sebastian Temple[Strophe]AMake me a channel of your peaceEWhere there is hatred let me bring your loveBmWhere there is injury, your pardon LordE AAnd where there is doubt true faith in You[Strophe]AMake me a channel of your peaceEWhere there is dispair in life let me bring hopeBmWhere there is darkness only lightE AAnd where there's sadness ever joy[Pont]D AOh, Master grant that I may never seekE A A7So much to be consoled as to consoleD ATo be understood as to understandE B E E7To be loved as to love with all my soul[Strophe]AMake me a channel of your peaceEIt is in pardoning that we are pardonedBmIt is in giving to all man that we receiveE AAnd in dying that we are born to eternal life